Saturday 14 February 2015

My Hawaiian Party: Food

Last week it was my 14th birthday and on the day before i had a Hawaiian- Lilo and Stitch party. L&S is obviously my favourite Disney film. I love it because it has so many hidden jokes and it is very different to all the other Disney films. If you didn't know, it is set in Hawaii. My new years resolution was to 'not buy and make more' so mostly everything from my party was made including the food and decorations. This is the first of a series of blog posts which will show you my whole DIY party and maybe give you some ideas. So firstly (the most important) the food...
The pictures above show the main food and not the snacky stuff like crisps and mini roles because they weren't homemade. All the food had a tropical theme. For nine people this was a perfect amount and was very suitable for veggies. Everything here was so easy and quick to make and i think it looked very appropriate for the theme. Please leave me a comment if you would like a full post on one of the recipes. Here is the food we had:

Two (colour co-ordinated) fruit salads
A watermelon rosette
Balsamic rainbow vegetable kebabs
Peanut butter and jam flip-flop sandwiches
Cream cheese and cucumber flip-flop sandwiches
Vanilla Cupcakes with an umbrella
Carrot and celery sticks
Stitch biscuits 


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